Microcosm Publishing & Distribution

Take Back Your Life: Wimmin's Alternative Health (Zine)

Zine / pamphlet. Published by Microcosm! Take Back Your Life: A Wimmin's Guide to Alternative Health Care This excellent, practical, illustrated DIY guide teaches everything from healing common infections of the vagina and bladder to menstruation, birth control, and an understanding of AIDS. Originally published by Profane Existence.

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Microcosm Publishing & Distribution

Take Back Your Life: Wimmin's Alternative Health (Zine)

Zine / pamphlet. Published by Microcosm! Take Back Your Life: A Wimmin's Guide to Alternative Health Care This excellent, practical, illustrated DIY guide teaches everything from healing common infections of the vagina and bladder to menstruation, birth control, and an understanding of AIDS. Originally published by Profane Existence.